Case Study 1
Emma took an extended break to be a full-time Mum and follow her husband's career moves around the world. She is now self-employed and helps other businesses manage their information and databases effectively for maximum commercial success. Read more >>- What is your new role?
- I work freelance helping businesses manage their information. I produce user-friendly, relevant reports to help them run their core business better. So I usually I work with their sales and customer information or their financial data. The two key benefits of my service are that it frees up business owners' time and secondly it allows them to grow their business and make the right business decisions through better information management.
- What difference has this made to your life?
- It has given me new focus and much more self-confidence as I've proved to myself that I can achieve goals that I have set out to do whilst still having the flexibility to be around for the kids when I need to be.
- How has coaching helped?
- Coaching has made all the difference!
I'd thought about various business ideas and considered looking for employment for a long time but I lacked the confidence to commit to anything.
Coaching with Fiona helped me to work out what was important to me, decide what needed to be done and break everything down into manageable tasks. Fiona was always encouraging and supportive and inspired me to believe that I could make my goal a reality. Within 3 months of starting my coaching I had my first paying client! Going forward, I plan to continue my coaching sessions in order grow my business and set new goals for the future. - What have you learnt?
- It has reminded me that I do have skills that are valuable outside my family life. I was always worried that work would take my time away from my kids and instead I have found that they are really proud of me and interested in what I am doing.
- What advice would you give others thinking of career change?
- Just do it! It is scary but whatever you are thinking of doing break it down into manageable chunks and set yourself short-term realistic targets and you'll be amazed how much you can achieve over the weeks.
Case Study 2
Deborah was an Accountant working in a large city based firm but was stressed and desperately unhappy with her role and long hours. She is now doing a job she loves and that matches her natural skills. Read more >>- What is your new role?
- I have always had an artistic eye and been good with my hands and making curtains and duvet covers came easily to me. I am now working as an Interior Designer and we also buy and renovate properties for the rental market.
- What difference has this made to your life?
- I went into Accountancy initially because it seemed like a proper career but when I made that decision I didn't think through whether it would suit my personality. I now love my work, to the point where it doesn't really feel like work. More like a hobby that I get paid for!
- How has coaching helped?
- The two most useful things about the coaching were identifying what I really wanted in life and working out the skills that I was particularly good at and enjoyed using. I also had lots of negative beliefs that were holding me back so the coaching helped me to think much more positively and overcome those beliefs.
- What have you learnt?
- That life is too short to be a career that isn't suited to your skills and strengths.
- What advice would you give others thinking of career change?
- Don't assume that you can't make decent money doing you something you love, and if you are feeling stuck then get some coaching - there are always ways out of the rut you feel you are in!
Case Study 3
Jo worked for a recruitment advertising agency for 14 years and had progressed to Director Level. Following an office move, Jo's commute had become unsustainable and she had a growing sense of dissatisfaction. She is now a Marketing & Communications Manager in a school that is a 5 minute walk from her house. Read more >>- What is your new role?
- I am the Marketing and Communications Manager for the prep school in my village. Longer term, I am also considering a portfolio career and over time I may take on some freelance marketing and communications work to boost my hours and income.
- What difference has this made to your life?
- My work-life balance is significantly better and I am much less stressed on a day to day basis. I can enjoy work and my family much more easily as most of my work is term-time. My confidence and energy levels are much better and I feel like I'm enjoying life again.
- How has coaching helped?
- I used the coaching to identify what motivated me, my core skills and potential career paths and then I enlisted Fiona's help to sell myself properly on paper and at interview.
I also needed help to find the time and energy to change my career as I was feeling low in confidence and too busy at work and home to find time to sort myself out!
The coaching made me realise that I had lots of transferable skills that I could offer an employer in a different industry. The interview practice I had with Fiona revealed a tendency to down play my strengths so that was a really useful element of the support I had.
- What have you learnt?
- I've learnt a huge amount about me, what makes me tick and how to rid myself of some of the hang-ups I've let plague me throughout my working life.
- What advice would you give others thinking of career change?
- Get clarity on the direction you want to take before diving in to update a CV and apply for random jobs.