How do you get a great job when 80% of jobs are never advertised?
Are you spending hours searching the internet for jobs only to find there's nothing out there that fulfils your ambition or fits into your lifestyle? Do you feel that the minute you put part-time or home based in the search box of a jobs board your options are suddenly reduced?
If you're looking for flexible or part-time work, it's crucial to think creatively about your job search because these types of roles are highly sought after and hard to find.
The most important element of a creative job search is to use your network. This is one of the most powerful tools you have and it will give you the edge over other job seekers in this tough climate. Networking may sound intimidating, but it can be rewarding and fun, even if you're shy or feel like you don't know many people. And the great news is that with the advent of social media, your network comes in many different forms.
How to write the perfect cover letter
Often overlooked and sometimes completely ignored, a cover letter is the perfect accompaniment to your CV. The letter (or in this modern world, e-mail) will most likely be read before your CV, and it affords you the chance to express all those things that do not comfortably fit into a CV‘s often rigid structure. Taken as a whole, a CV and covering letter will portray you in the best possible light. If done properly, your covering letter can make the difference between success and failure.